Vision and Values: a strong foundation

Establishing mutually beneficial working relationships through innovative crane and rigging solutions via #TeamLifting

At Premier Cranes & Rigging, our vision is to be established as an industry leader in the delivery of crane and rigging services to Victorian construction and industrial sectors. In order to achieve this, we will continue to provide innovative solutions for our clients, both big and small, and strive to build strong partnerships.

Our organisational vision, like the work that we do, is large-scale. However, the success of both depends on a few foundational values that shape every aspect of our operation.

We value the following:


Cooperation and collaboration:
We value cooperation between every member of our team and take pride in our collective achievements. Likewise, we collaborate with clients, and all other companies and stakeholders involved in an operation to ensure its success.


Innovation and technology:
We employ forward thinkers who combine technology with experience to find the best solutions for our clients both when planning and during construction.


Communication and respect:
We are straightforward and clear in our communications and aim for transparency with our clients throughout every step of the construction process.


People and results:
We produce outstanding results for our clients and value the people that make this possible.